Joseph is an experienced film and theatre actor with numerous credits to his name. As Chief Big Sky in the long running award winning animated series, Wapos Bay (Wapos Bay Productions), Joseph’s voice became known and loved. As principal actor for the movie, Run: Broken Yet Brave (Five Stones Productions, producer Tom Simes, 2008), Joseph won Best Emerging Male Actor at the Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival, 2009. An extra in the television series, Rabbit Falls, (Angel Entertainment), and voice in the movie, Dream Keeper, (Steve Barron, Hallmark Entertainment 2003), Joseph continues to take voice over and acting roles, including a trapper in Land of Rock and Gold, (Windolph/Redenback producers, 2015). He is also committed to the craft of community theatre and looks forward to collaborating with SUM Theatre (2016), based on Maria Campbell’s story, Little Badger.
Along with television, theatre and film experience, Joseph is credited with voice, music, and storytelling for on-air plays with CBC, MBC, APTN and SCN. Refer to Joseph’s cv for a detailed list of credits. Gifted with a diverse creative skill set, Joseph is immensely passionate and committed to performance, film, and theatre as his life’s work.